Review Compliance Scan Results

This how-to only applies for clusters where the OpenShift Compliance Operator is installed.

This how-to explains how to review and export compliance scan results made by the OpenShift Compliance Operator.

Additionally, it’s recommended to check with the upstream documentation.

Reviewing results within OpenShift

Check whether the scan is finished

$ kubectl -n openshift-compliance get compliancescan
NAME                   PHASE   RESULT
ocp4-cis               DONE    NON-COMPLIANT
ocp4-cis-node-master   DONE    NON-COMPLIANT
ocp4-cis-node-worker   DONE    NON-COMPLIANT

Check the actual results

$ kubectl -n openshift-compliance get compliancecheckresults
NAME                                                                  STATUS   SEVERITY
ocp4-cis-accounts-restrict-service-account-tokens                     MANUAL   medium
ocp4-cis-accounts-unique-service-account                              MANUAL   medium
ocp4-cis-api-server-admission-control-plugin-alwaysadmit              PASS     medium
ocp4-cis-api-server-admission-control-plugin-alwayspullimages         PASS     high
ocp4-cis-api-server-admission-control-plugin-namespacelifecycle       PASS     medium
ocp4-cis-api-server-encryption-provider-cipher                        FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-api-server-encryption-provider-config                        FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-audit-log-forwarding-enabled                                 FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-configure-network-policies-namespaces                        FAIL     high
ocp4-cis-node-master-kubelet-enable-protect-kernel-defaults           FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-node-master-kubelet-enable-protect-kernel-sysctl             FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-node-worker-kubelet-enable-protect-kernel-defaults           FAIL     medium
ocp4-cis-node-worker-kubelet-enable-protect-kernel-sysctl             FAIL     medium

You can check each results details for further clarity and a rationale.

Export the raw results

When proving compliance for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you might need to provide the scan results for auditing purposes. The Compliance Operator generates and stores the raw results in a persistent volume. These results are in Asset Reporting Format (ARF).


Get the PVC names which are used to store the scans in

$ kubectl -n openshift-compliance get compliancesuites cis-compliance-tailored -ojson | jq '.status.scanStatuses[].resultsStorage'
  "name": "ocp4-cis-node-worker",
  "namespace": "openshift-compliance"
  "name": "ocp4-cis-node-master",
  "namespace": "openshift-compliance"
  "name": "ocp4-cis-modified",
  "namespace": "openshift-compliance"

With those in mind, you can create a retriever pod. Please ensure your PVCs match the result from the previous command.

cat <<EOF | kubectl -n openshift-compliance apply -f -
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: Pod
  name: pv-extract
  namespace: openshift-compliance
    - name: pv-extract-pod
      command: ["sleep", "3000"]
      - mountPath: "/scan-vol/worker"
        name: scan-vol-worker
      - mountPath: "/scan-vol/master"
        name: scan-vol-master
      - mountPath: "/scan-vol/cluster"
        name: scan-vol-cluster
    - name: scan-vol-worker
        claimName: ocp4-cis-node-worker
    - name: scan-vol-master
        claimName: ocp4-cis-node-master
    - name: scan-vol-cluster
        claimName: ocp4-cis-modified

Extracting Raw Results

# create dir for results
mkdir scan-vol

# copy results
kubectl -n openshift-compliance cp pv-extract:/scan-vol ./scan-vol


It’s important that you clean up the pod so the PVC are available to the compliance operator for the next scan.

After the extraction is complete, the pod can be deleted.

kubectl -n openshift-compliance delete pod pv-extract